Death & Dying


From food webs to the forest floor, nature doesn't just tolerate death but thrives on it. When we allow ourselves to step beyond the taboo of talking about death, we can cultivate better relationships with ourselves, our loved ones, and the planet that we inhabit.

Cape Elizabeth Death Café Resources

Davinica facilitates a Death Café on the first Thursday of every month at the Thomas Memorial Library in Cape Elizabeth from 6:30-8:00 pm.

At a Death Café, people gather to eat, drink tea, and discuss death. The objective is ‘to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of the (finite) lives. A Death Café is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.

Death Cafés are offered on a not-for-profit basis, in an accessible, respectful, and confidential space, and with no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product, or course of action. The Death Café model was developed in 2010 by Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid, based on the ideas of Bernard Crettaz. Learn more at

Local Death Doulas, Death & Dying Companions, and Educators


Articles & Studies



Environmentally Conscious Death

End-of-life Planning

Pets & Animals
